Now That You Know – Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Thank you to everyone for learning about domestic violence, those who survive domestic violence and those who don’t, how to support survivors and steps you can take to help put a cap on domestic violence. Because of your willingness to learn and become more aware, we created messages of support for survivors and donated almost 200 dental hygiene items to Sojourn Shelter & Services, Inc. We amplified the stories of a survivor and honored the memory of domestic violence victims. If you missed Jolene Lamb sharing her personal domestic violence survival story, you may watch the recording. If you were unable to attend the Silent Witness display from Sojourn, you may watch a video sharing the stories of those featured in the display.

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Oliver Wendell Holmes are both credited with the quote, “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” We encourage you to continue to stretch your mind about domestic violence, its survivors and victims and how you will help. Questions concerning Domestic Violence Awareness Month may be directed to Nikki Baker, compliance and prevention coordinator at or 217-786-3426.