Accreditation is incredibly important, and so is your input! Please make time to read and comment on all or part of the assurance filing between now and Sept. 26 (see files emailed Sept. 6). The individual who submits the best edit/suggestion for the week will be rewarded with a free Quiznos lunch!
Congratulations to last week’s winners from LLCC Records — Robin Ackman, Shawn Allen and Chase Dilworth. The department identified evidence (seven student transcripts) in support of core component 4.A.2.
What is the assurance filing? It documents how we are meeting identified criteria (and their subcomponents) to reaffirm our accreditation. The criteria:
- Mission
- Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
- Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support
- Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
- Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning
We will be hosting a peer review team on campus Dec. 5 and 6. They will be here to confirm the information in our assurance filing — so it is important that it be complete and accurate. It takes all of us working together to have a successful HLC visit!