Ag communications judges needed

LLCC Agriculture is hosting the Illinois FFA State Ag Communications Contest on June 13 and 14, and we need a few more judges.

On June 13, teams will be working on their individual practicums which consist of web design, video production, writing a feature story or writing a blog post. After the students are done with their area, I will email the student work and scoresheets to judges to evaluate and score. We are looking for three judges willing to judge the individual practicums remotely.

On June 14, teams will be presenting their marketing plan to a panel of judges at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel next to the BOS Center. Judging will begin at 8:30 a.m. and go through 3:30/4 p.m. with lunch and snacks/drinks provided. We are looking for one or two judges willing to judge the team presentations.

Please email Bill Harmon or Holly Bauman if you are interested in helping or have questions.
