Midwest Institute for International-Intercultural Education (MIIIE) will host a virtual workshop on “Climate Change and People’s Livelihoods”
Saturday, May 7, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The registration fee is $25.
This workshop will examine how climate change is impacting people’s livelihoods in various parts of the world. There are useful insights from people and institutions that are trying to adapt and/or mitigate climate change in their effort to improve or at least maintain their livelihoods.
In particular, there will be presentations on:
- What is Climate Change and Why Does it Matter?
- Combatting Global Climate Change: The Limits of Legal Options
- The Interactions Among Water, Climate and Societies in a Changing Global Environment
To register, visit www.miiie.org/workshops/climate-change.