Reminder: mandatory cybersecurity training starts today

The third module of the cybersecurity awareness training program with Infosec IQ starts today and runs through May 13. This will entail a series of three short training courses and simulated Phishing emails. The courses focus on password security, social engineering and working remotely. The purpose of this training is to raise awareness of the threats in our environment and to avoid costly data breaches.

All employees are required to complete this training by May 13. Failing to comply may result in loss of LLCC network access privileges and disciplinary action per board policy “8.6 – Employee Discipline.”

Employees will be sent an email notifying them of enrollment in the course. The provided link will take the learner directly to their dashboard to complete the module.

The enrollment email will be coming from Infosec IQ Notifications <> with the subject “Start your security awareness training” Here is an example of what the email will look like:

(Lincoln Land Community College logo) Hello Esteban, You have been enrolled in the Spring 2022 (Q3) course, courtesy of Lincoln Land Community College. Please complete your training in the next (less than) 1 days. (Button: start your training) Thank you, Lincoln Land Community College