Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Consent

Sexual Assault Awareness Month educates communities and individuals about sexual assault and the actions they can take to prevent it.

Individuals initiating sexual contact should ensure that the other person is consenting before and during the activity.  Consent may be changed or withdrawn at any time.  In understanding that only “yes” means “yes,” it might be helpful to understand what does not mean “yes.”

  • Saying nothing doesn’t mean yes.
  • Saying yes before doesn’t mean yes now.
  • Wearing revealing clothing doesn’t mean yes.
  • Saying yes to one person doesn’t mean yes to anyone else.
  • Saying yes because of threats or use of force doesn’t mean yes.

And it is important to remember that someone saying yes when they are intoxicated, sleeping, unconscious, a minor and/or incapacitated due to mental disability doesn’t mean yes.

Want more information on sexual consent?  Watch this helpful video.