Got art? Join the LLCC “On My Own Time” exhibit this fall

ARTS Springfield Area Arts CouncilLLCC is participating in the Springfield Area Arts Council’s On My Own Time (OMOT) program, providing LLCC faculty and staff the opportunity to display original art created outside the office. Faculty and staff may enter up to three works of art each. Works previously entered in OMOT or created prior to 2020 are not eligible. The artist fee is $5 per artwork submitted. The fee assists SAAC with costs of the OMOT program.

Access entry and identification forms, categories and rules.

Artwork entry, identification forms and fees will need to be submitted by Thursday, Sept. 30 to one of the LLCC coordinators (Misty or Lindee). Artwork is due to the LLCC coordinators by Wed., Oct. 6.

On My Own Time

There are 13 categories of artwork:

  1. Painting
  2. Drawing
  3. Printmaking/Etching
  4. Mixed Media/Collage
  5. Fiber/Fabric/Quilts/ Needlework
  6. Basketry
  7. Pottery/Ceramics
  8. Photography
  9. Digital Art
  10. Jewelry
  11. Sculpture
  12. Glass
  13. Other (art that doesn’t fit into other categories including but not limited to artificial floral arrangements and hand-crafted miniatures)

"Primpin' Ain't Easy" by Michelle BurgerLLCC’s in-house exhibit will be featured on the LLCC-Springfield campus Oct. 12-28. Those who visit the exhibit can vote for their favorite piece. The artist who created it will win the LLCC People’s Choice Award and receive a $100 Visa gift card courtesy of the Philip and Mary Kathryn Trutter Museum.

The city-wide exhibit at the Springfield Art Association (Nov. 3-20) will showcase first place award-winning artwork from all participating businesses, agencies and institutions. At the previous OMOT in 2019, three LLCC employees had four pieces of art move on to the city-wide exhibit!

Misty Hagstrom,
Lindee Hall,