Cortana: Your daily briefing

You may notice an email delivered to your inbox from Cortana with the subject of Your Daily Briefing. This is a new feature to Office 365. Your first briefing email will explain how to use it to better manage your day and/or tasks, as well as scheduling focust time. These daily briefing emails are private and only shared with you, regardless of others that are assigned a task or attached to a meeting.

The briefing will be automatically sent to you prior to the start of your workday, and you’ll see information about any relevant items to help you better prepare for the day ahead, including:

  • Commitments and follow-ups for you to review.
  • Reminders of scheduled meetings and any documents related to those meetings.
  • Suggested focus time that you can schedule. This will appear on your calendar as an appointment, and your availability will be marked as busy.

Note: To set up your work hours in Outlook Office 365, go to Settings > Calendar > View. In Outlook desktop application, select Calendar, View and expand the Arrangement section on the ribbon to adjust your work days and hours.

Should you choose to opt out of receiving daily briefings, you can click on the link within your message. For additional information on the daily briefings, visit