Dr. Charlotte Warren, president, was invited yesterday by Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell to view the large wall mural recently installed in the Sheriff’s office suite. It depicts an 1800s-era map of Sangamon County. A smaller version, with hand drawings of several historic sites in Sangamon County and a list of all past sheriffs, is mounted in his office. The project was designed and produced by Thom Whalen, professor of art, and his student, Jessica Le. Sheriff Campbell, who is an LLCC alum, had the idea for the wall map, and expressed his thanks to Dr. Warren for letting him work with LLCC to make it a reality.
Professor Whalen, who also created the logo for the upcoming 200th anniversary of the Sheriff’s Office, commented, “Jessica is a first-generation college student who came to us with so much talent. She had this great experience at LLCC and is now going into interior design and art history at ISU. It was a perfect opportunity for her.” He noted that Ryan Roberts, interim dean of English and humanities, assisted by locating the map.
Jessica, who drew the historic sites for the smaller wall print and assisted with the entire project, signed her name to it at the Sheriff’s request and said, “Thank you for giving me this opportunity to get hands on experience in a real-world project.”
Dr. Warren was interviewed by the State Journal-Register for this story about the project. WICS also covered the story.