Spanish translation of book edited by Ryan Roberts published

The Spanish translation of the book “Conversations with Ian McEwan,” edited by Ryan Roberts, professor/librarian, was published yesterday by Gatopardo Ediciones. The book features a revised introduction written by Ryan and a new interview with McEwan by scholar Vanessa Guignery. More details (and the cover of the book) can be found at

Translated blurb from the publisher website: “’Conversations with Ian McEwan’ brings together 14 interviews spanning 40 years of the author’s writing career, including ‘Atonement,’ ‘Saturday’ and ‘On Chesil Beach.’ In dialogue with prestigious writers such as Martin Amis, Zadie Smith and David Remnick, and the psychologist Steven Pinker, among others, McEwan reveals his vision of the creative process and his narrative obsessions with the sharpness, humor and intelligence that characterize him as a prose writer.”