Commencement 2018 line of march

Each year we do our best to ensure that the line of march is accurate. The line changes each year due to retirements, resignations and individuals who have received permission to be excused from the ceremony. Also, there may be some instances where a hire date is inaccurate or there are not only two, but several hire dates. The line of march is more of a guide as opposed to a hard and fast rule. If you believe you should be somewhere else in the line, feel free to move there.  

The attached line of march indicates where you will be seated during the 2018 commencement ceremony. The faculty marshalls this year are Beth Hoffman and Dean Butzow, and they will direct you to the appropriate location during the seating process. There are 10 seats in a row. So if there are last minute no-shows, you may be bumped up a row depending on the 10-in-a-row seating arrangement.

The line of march will be posted in several locations to refer to upon your arrival. Please line up according to your  line (line “A” [left]  or line “B” [right]) and row number, which will also be posted. Please do not congregate at the front of the line making it difficult for others to get to their assigned place in line.

Commencement is a time when the focus is on our graduating students and their accomplishments. We appreciate your attendance at the ceremony and look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our students together.

Line-of-March 2018