Auditions Feb. 4 and 5 at LLCC for world premier sequel “Revenge: Treasure Island”

LLCC in collaboration with Cutlass Artists, NFP, will hold auditions for “Revenge: Treasure Island” on Sunday and Monday, Feb. 4 and 5, from 7-9 p.m. in Sangamon South Room 0015.

“Revenge: Treasure Island” is a world-premiere sequel to “Treasure Island,” which was performed by LLCC in 2016. This new script is written and directed by Mark Hardiman, professor of theatre. It features leading roles for women and men and exciting sword fights throughout. The outdoor production will run May 11, 12, 13, 19 and 20 at 8 p.m. in the Helen Hamilton area near the campus lake.

College students and community members are encouraged to audition. Those interested in backstage duties or stage management should drop by auditions for a brief conference with Professor Hardiman or contact him directly at More information on specific roles can be found at

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