LLCCBeardstown students volunteer at 2017 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics

CRJ classThe LLCC-Beardstown Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems class, taught by adjunct faculty Mark Lahr, volunteered to assist with the 2017 Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics March 4 at Lake Springfield. Although the students did not plunge into the cold water themselves, they parked cars, set up changing areas and handed out towels to participants coming out of the water, along with other assigned duties.

Mark was interviewed by WLDS/WEAI radio March 3 about the class’s activity.

 On Feb. 24, special guests to the class were Retired Illinois State Police Master Sergeant Diane Vanderkooy and State Global Messenger Ben Simpson. Ben, who is a Special Olympics athlete, gave a brief presentation on how Special Olympics has made a huge impact on his life, including building his self-confidence and helping him become comfortable with public speaking. He also shared how weightlifting has helped him maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

 The LLCC students received Special Olympics T-shirts and hats, and were treated to lunch on the day of the plunge for their help with the event. More information on the 2017 Polar Plunge is available at