Happening this weekend: Rube Goldberg and Ebony Dance

Saturday, Feb. 25 Rube Goldberg Competition for fifth graders – 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Student Union, Menard Hall; public is invited. “Outlandish machines” designed by area fifth graders will be on display.

A Rube Goldberg device, such as the board game “Mousetrap,” is an outlandish machine designed to complete a certain task through a number of complex steps. Area fifth graders are currently developing their own unique Rube Goldberg devices for this year’s competition. They receive assistance from engineer volunteers who visit classrooms and provide instruction on machines and engineering in general, along with suggestions for their “secret” Rube Goldberg.

The purpose of this event is to introduce children to the idea of pursuing a career in engineering or a closely related field. It is the only Rube Goldberg program in the nation specifically aimed at elementary age school children.

Black History Month Ebony Dance, 9 p.m. to midnight, Trutter Center. The event is co-sponsored by the African-American History Month Committee and the Open Door Mentorship program.