Watch for Campus Climate Survey in your email Monday; please fill out

LLCC administers a campus climate survey every three years. The purpose is to assess the climate and experience of college employees. The results are used for planning and institutional effectiveness purposes, and to inform continuous quality improvements at the college.

Today, Monday, Oct. 17, you will receive an email from the National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness (NILIE), which administers the Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) survey.  If you do not receive it today, please check your junk email and/or Clutter folders to see if it was caught by spam filters. The survey subject line will read “PACE Survey- Lincoln Land Community College” and it will come from

The survey is confidential.  LLCC personnel will not have access to the raw data, including comments. NILIE will analyze the data and provide a sample representation of comments in the final report to the college.

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes. Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey.

PLEASE NOTE: The PACE Campus Climate Survey is separate from a Community Survey currently underway, that you received an email about last week. We encourage you to fill out both surveys.