SAVE Task Force attends Take Back the Night event.

A group of LLCC students, staff, and faculty recently attended Take Back the Night at UIS as part of a partnership that LLCC’s Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Taskforce formed with the UIS Women’s Center for the event. Take Back the Night is an event that includes a march and rally to acknowledge worldwide violence against women, challenge the normalization of such violence, and demand a change in the aspects of each society and culture around the world that perpetuate gender-based violence. If you are interested in learning more about SAVE, please contact Leslie Johnson ( or Shelby Bedford (

Take Back the Night
Take Back the Night Attendees:
Front Row: L-R: Shelby Bedford, Samuel Jackson Leslie Johnson, Deanna Blackwell, Brenda Protz
Back Row: L-R: Olatayo Ajenifuja, Marie Watson, Kat Chamberlain, Bella Fisher, Emmi Fisher