Tech Tip: Share a Form in Office 365

Now that you have created your form, it is time to decide how to share this with others. Will you send the Form via email to a target audience or post a link to the Form for anyone to complete? In either scenario, you can choose to collect data on who is completing or allow the results to remain anonymous.

To access the Forms application, start by opening your Outlook – Office 365 web account. Click on the waffle icon (nine small boxes) in the upper left corner. Select Forms, or if you do not see the application, select All apps.

The Forms that you have created, pinned as a favorite or that have been shared with you as collaborator are listed. Open the Form you want to share. In the upper right corner, select Share.

The default share value is set to “Only people in my organization can respond.” This means that you must sign in with an LLCC account to access the Form. The second option is to allow “Only specific people in my organization can respond.” When adding this option, you would enter the email address of those with access prior to selecting the share link. Both options of sharing will track the end user that completed the Form and responses. The final option is to share with the “Open so that anyone with or without an LLCC account can complete the Form.” These results will be tallied anonymously.

Select the link directly below the Sharing option, and Copy. The link can be pasted into an email or posted to any webpage and will allow access based upon the sharing permissions set.

Tip: You can share a Form with other individuals in LLCC to collaborate with on the design and/or data collection access. Select Share, Share to Collaborate. Again, you will need to set the sharing permissions, and it is recommended that you set to “Specific people in my organization can view and edit” for security purposes of the Form. Copy the link, and then email to the specific individuals with sharing permissions.

View a video on Sharing a Form from the Microsoft Office Trainer Center.

Tech Tip: Create a new form in Office 365

Access the Forms application by opening your Outlook – Office 365 web account, click on the waffle icon (nine small boxes) in the upper left corner. Select Forms, or if you do not see the application, select All apps.

You can + New Quiz or select the drop-down arrow to add a New Form.

  • Click on the Untitled Form box and enter the Form name.
    • Enter a description of what the purpose of the form is and any special directions. The description will be visible to the end user when completing the Form.
  • Select Add Question, and choose the type of question you want to add.
    • Choice – Single or multiple answers
    • Select additional options for subtitles and/or math equation editor.
    • Text – Free form answer, select long answer if additional space may be needed to complete.
    • Rating – Select from numbers or stars and 1-10.
    • Date – Date selection.
    • Ranking – Automatic creation of question format with a subtitle, options and point scale.
    • Likert – Used to gauge attitudes and opinions.
    • File Upload – End user can upload a file within the quiz or survey to a folder in your OneDrive or SharePoint if a group site.
    • Net Promoter Score – How likely are you to recommend style 1-10.
    • Section – Create a sub-section with a name and description; then add questions.
  • Question Settings
    • Set a correct answer.
    • Provide feedback for choice selections via a message when option selected.
    • Questions can be set to required and/or multiple answers allowed.
    • Assign points to each question.
    • Questions can be moved up or down to change the order at any time.
  • Select the preview link in the menu bar at the top. This will allow you to switch between a computer or mobile device view.
  • From color is set to a default Office palate. This can be changed by applying a theme to the Form.
  • Share your Form via email or link on a posted webpage.

View a quick video on Creating a Form and other detailed topics pertaining to Forms at the Microsoft Office Trainer Center.

Tech Tip: Office 365 Forms

Microsoft Forms is an application in Office 365. With Forms, you can create surveys, quizzes and polls from your individual Office 365 account or a group site that you are member of. Share your Form via email, or post an active Form submission link with sharing permissions set to allow responses from anyone or limit to only those with an active LLCC account. Shared Forms can be responded to using almost any web browser or mobile device.

You can view real-time results as a Form is submitted, use built-in analytics to evaluate the responses, and export the results to Excel for additional analysis and/or grading. Forms can be used with other Office 365 applications, such as Sway, OneNote (web version), Excel, PowerPoint and Teams.

Teams: What is the Shifts app?

Shifts is a scheduling management tool application within Microsoft Teams. A Team/Group site owner can use Shifts to create, update and manage your team’s schedules. It is available in all versions of Teams (desktop, Office 365 or mobile app).

With Shifts, management can add notes to share important news about a specific day or time, block out scheduled times for training, meetings for individuals or the group, etc. and add Open Shifts that anyone can request to work.

Team members can request time off, swap or offer shifts with other team members and/or sign up for offered shifts. Management will approve or deny any requests within Shifts and the Shifts calendar will automatically update accordingly.

Important IT reference information

The LLCC Information Technology department would like to welcome all new and returning staff/faculty to the college! Email will be the primary form of communication to you from IT. Should you have technical questions pertaining to your online account and/or the software applications offered by the college, the IT Helpdesk staff are here to assist. Please note that the IT Helpdesk staff are not available to install software or troubleshoot technology issues on your personal devices.

The health, safety, and well-being of the Lincoln Land Community College community are our highest priorities. In light of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the IT Helpdesk will be operating on modified hours and the walk-up window will be available by appointment only. We will not be accepting requests for assistance in this manner without an appointment. Please contact us by phone, email, submit your own ticket in KBOX, or by scheduling an appointment with a member of our staff. Schedule an appointment. All appointments are virtual, with the exception of the connecting to the LLCC Wi-Fi on campus.

Contact Us

Fall/Spring Hours

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Submit a Ticket –
Sangamon Hall, Room 1132 (outside of the main entrance to the Library/Center for Academic Success)

IT Services –

  • Contact Us – schedule virtual appointment
  • News
  • Online Account – reset your password, find your username
  • Email
  • YouTube Channel – instructional videos for LLCC applications
  • Wi-Fi
  • Blackboard
  • Cybersecurity

When requesting assistance from the IT Helpdesk, please notify us if the issue is in a classroom, if you need immediate assistance during the class, if this is your office or if you are working remotely. Your participation may be needed to resolve the issue.

Board Policies 10.X – IT Policies

It is the responsibility of all employees to familiarize themselves with the Board Policies of the college. Policies 10.1–10.6 specifically pertain to Information Technology.

Account Information

The college employs one username and one password for all systems and password management is processed utilizing office 365. Username (is case sensitive) and Email address are not the same.

  • Username – use to Sign In to computers on campus, Wi-Fi and all applications, except for Office 365.
  • Email – Faculty/Staff format is, and the student format is and used only to sign into Office 365.

Technology available to you

All applications listed below are available on LLCC’s MyLLCC webpage, below the banner.
My LLCC. Student Resources: Center for Academic Success, EdReady, Email, Money Management, My Scheduler, Office 365 ProPlus (free), Open Door Program, Request a Transcript, TRIO Support Services. Faculty/Staff Resources: Academic Innovation & eLearning, Assessment, Curriculum Management, Email, Employee Portal, Employee Self-Service, Etrieve for Employees, HippoCampus, Human Resources, KBOX Forms, LincIn, Virtual EMS. Quick Links: Account Activation, Active Shooter Training Video, Blackboard, Bookstore, Canvas, Catalog, Child Development Center, College Directory, IT Services, Library, Logger Central, LLCC Alert, Password Reset, Sexual Violence Resources, WebAdvisor.
Employee Self-Service

Faculty (Course Management and Rosters), Banking Information, Tax Information and Pay Advices. Students utilize Logger Central to Browse for, Plan and Register for Courses, View Financial Aid awards, letters and complete required documents, Final Course Grades, Unofficial & Official Transcripts, Payment Processing and Banking information.


Find your Username.


Access your Office 365 account and all available online applications (Outlook, OneDrive -Cloud storage, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) by clicking on the Waffle icon in the upper left corner.

  • OneDrive – 1 TB of Cloud storage, online editing, sharing of documents and folders for online collaboration with peers and instructors.
  • You can download free apps for Office 365 for your smart device via the web, Apple or Google Play Stores.
  • Recommended to use Firefox browser.
  • Password Changes made in My Account, right-click on your initials in the upper right corner.
  • Microsoft allows you to download Office 2016 from Microsoft to your PC or MAC from the Office 365 Gateway.

LLCC Employee Portal – IT

  • Here you will find detailed information on IT, as well as detailed pages on Group Sites, OneDrive, Skype Phones, Cybersecurity and details to help you work remotely on the Remote Access Knowledge Base page.
  • Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity refers to the preventative steps and techniques used to safeguard and protect the integrity of a network, programs and data from attack, damage, and/or unauthorized access.
  • If you feel that you may have been subjected to a security breach, immediately change your LLCC password and notify the IT Help Desk at 217-786-2555 or
  • If the computer has any personal online account passwords stored, it is recommended that you change these passwords immediately, as well as check with any financial institutions for issues.

Etrieve for Employees

Complete a Certificate of Absence or a Payroll timesheet.

  • Chrome or Firefox are recommended browsers.
  • Sign in with your username and password.

Blackboard and Canvas – Online Learning

Academic Innovation and eLearning (AIeL) support both of these applications. If you are not able to successfully Sign In to either, please change your password and then try again. If still unsuccessful or for other issues, contact AIeL for support at 217.786.2345 or for Blackboard,

LLCC Alert – Emergency Notification System

Your LLCC email address is automatically active. You can sign in to add additional contact information.

Wireless Connectivity

On your Smart Device, choose the LLCC – Employee network. This will prompt you to enter your online account username and password. Depending upon the type and OS version of your device, you may be prompted to enter your credentials as either llcc\username and password, llcc\email address and password or email address and password only. Accept any certificates if prompted. The LLCC–Guest Wi-Fi will allow you to connect without entering authenticated credentials. You will be prompted to open your browser and accept the terms of use before continuing.

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Tech Tip: Manage your LLCC voicemail with Teams

While some of us are working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may find that you need to update the voicemail greeting on your LLCC extension (not a department phone number with Response Group Configuration). While on campus, this is done so with the phone, but did you know that you can manage your voicemail greeting using Teams and a computer microphone or smart device?

Open the Teams app on your computer workstation, Teams within Office 365 or the Teams app on your smart device. Each will work the same and allow you to record a greeting and set voicemail parameters.

  • Select your picture or initials in the upper right corner.
  • Select Settings
    • Select Calls.
    • Call Answering Rules — Determine the action taken when a call is received on your extension.
    • Configure Voicemail — Record a greeting, set call answer rules, text-to-speech customized greeting option and actions to take with out of office greeting.

In addition to setting voicemail parameters, you can access your voicemail messages from within Teams.

  • Select the calls icon on the left.
  • Select Voicemail.

Remote Access Knowledge BaseFor additional information, see the document Manage Voicemail With Teams.pdf found on the Employee Portal > IT > Remote Access Knowledge Base.

KBOX forms general guide

The college utilizes a ticketing software, KACE Systems Management Application, otherwise known as KBOX in many departments. You can access this software from the KBOX Forms link on under Faculty/Staff Resources or via the IT Help Desk icon on your LLCC desktop.

Your account should automatically sign into the software and take you to the homepage. If not, sign in with your username and password. Once you are signed into the software, you will see the options of submitting a ticket, viewing your recent tickets and accessing a Knowledge Base.

Each ticket submitted will be assigned a unique number at submission, and communication and updates will be sent to you via your LLCC email with an active link to open the ticket in KBOX. There, you can check the status, read or add comments, and attach screenshots and/or documents. If you have questions regarding a ticket submission or processes, contact that department directly via telephone or email.

List of IT Queues

  • LLCC Helpdesk – requests for assistance from IT for office/classroom technology, printing, phones and/or to request new technology. Don’t know where to start with IT? Start here, and we will help!
  • IT Development Team – Colleague (FOIA, printing, reports, security), E2E, Mongoose and Salesforce.
  • MFP Staples – Budgetary approval is required before any staples will be released, as there is a cost of $32.67 per cartridge.
  • Systems – Do NOT submit tickets directly to this queue. The IT department may transfer tickets to this queue, at which time you will receive email notification with an active link to the ticket. You can then add a comment to the ticket and/or contact the owner of the ticket directly as needed.

Remote Access Knowledge BaseThere are several other queues outside of Information Technology to choose from, as well as a Knowledge Base for reference. For more detailed information on how to use KACE, access the Remote Access Knowledge Base page on the IT page of the Employee Portal.

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Report Message update

Please note the change in steps of how to Report Message in email when using Outlook Office 365. It is imperative for the security and integrity of the college that we report suspected phishing attempts in this manner, as this helps to make LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.

Phishing is a common identity theft method used by fraudulent parties. NEVER send your personal information including passwords, user IDs, credit card numbers or a social security number via email.  Passwords should NEVER be shared with ANYONE in any form.

To learn more about “phishing,” follow this link:

Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns at or 217-786-2555.

Outlook 365

Select the email from the list, and click on More Actions (…) in the email. Select Report Message and Phishing. The malicious email will be reported directly to Microsoft. Reporting malicious and unsolicited emails makes LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.

Cybersecurity risk ratings. This message was identified as junk. We'll delete it after 30 days. It's not junk | Show blocked content. Label: Junk Email (30 days) Expires: Sun 12/20/2020 12:30 PM. TM Tommy Maltezos <tmaltezos@securityscorecardio> Fri 11/20/2020 12:30 PM. To the right are like button, reply button, reply all button, forward, more action (three dots)

Cybersecurity risk ratings. Under the more options button (three dots), the menu items are: Reply, Reply all, Forward, Other reply actions, Delete, Mark as read, Flag, Add to Safe senders, Security options, Print, View, OneNote, Insights, Report Message, Get Add-ins, Advanced Actions. When selecting Report Message, the next menu options are: Junk, Phishing, Not Junk, Options, Help.

Outlook Desktop

With the message selected, click on Report Message in the ribbon. Select Phishing. The malicious email will be reported directly to Microsoft. Reporting malicious and unsolicited emails makes LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.

"Report Message" is on the right-hand side of the Home ribbon in Outlook. Select it, and then "Phishing" in its sub menu (second option, below "Junk" and above "Not Junk").

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Remote Access Knowledge Base

Remote Access Knowledge BaseThe health, safety and well-being of the Lincoln Land Community College community are our highest priorities. In light of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have had to be fluid in our adjustments from on-campus to remote learning and working. We understand that this can be stressful and that you may have questions. As such, IT would like to remind you of the Remote Access Knowledge Base page (accessed by the Employee Portal > IT page).

The page contains many helpful documents that provide information on how to install VPN, use your LLCC office computer via Remote Desktop Connection and access other applications utilized while on campus.

Should you have technical difficulties, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via telephone (217-786-2555), email ( or submit your own LLCC Helpdesk ticket (

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Phishing alert

A large number of LLCC employees received an email message yesterday from an individual named “Roha Abera <>.” The subject of the messages reads “Roha Abera shared “Doc 3” with you.” The email also mentions “Joni Bernahl has shared a file using SharePoint.” in the body. This email is NOT a legit email. It is a phishing attempt to acquire your personal information. Please report the message as phishing and disregard.

Outlook Desktop

With the message selected, click on Report Message in the Ribbon. Select Phishing. The malicious email will be reported directly to Microsoft. Reporting malicious and unsolicited emails makes LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.
"Report Message" is on the right-hand side of the Home ribbon in Outlook. Select it, and then "Phishing" in its sub menu (second option, below "Junk" and above "Not Junk").

Outlook 365

Select the email from the list, and click on the Not Junk drop-down arrow. Select Phishing. The malicious email will be reported directly to Microsoft. Reporting malicious and unsolicited emails makes LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.

In Outlook 365, across the top of the screen, under the search box, there are the options: Emply folder, Not junk, Move to. Select Not junk and then Phishing to report the email directly to Microsoft.
Reporting malicious and unsolicited emails makes LLCC’s email filtering system more effective.

Phishing is a common identity theft method used by fraudulent parties. NEVER send your personal information including passwords, user IDs, credit card numbers or a social security number via email.  Passwords should NEVER be shared with ANYONE in any form.

To learn more about “phishing,” follow this link:

Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns at or 217-786-2555.

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