Position vacancies announced

The Human Resources office is currently advertising for a program assistant in the Center for Academic Success and a program assistant in Student Success. Complete information on these positions can be found on the HR Employment site.

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SURS Counselors on Campus Oct. 8

SURS counselors will again be on campus Oct. 8 to conduct one-on-one interviews with those employees within four years of eligible retirement status. If you met with SURS counselors in April, you do not qualify for an appointment this time. How to enroll for an on-campus appointment is included in the attached instructions: SchedulingCounselingSession rev 8.10.15. Please read them carefully. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Elder at (6)2214.

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Annual wellness screening and flu shot clinic Oct. 13

The annual wellness screening and flu shot clinic for all benefit-eligible employees will be offered on Tuesday, Oct. 13 from 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room, Menard Hall. Registration is now open. The 2015 LLCC Wellness Screening Guide provides specific information on how to register for the screening.

If you are unavailable Oct. 13 to participate in an onsite screening, there are limited options available. We are unable to offer a makeup date this year. Remote screening through a LabCorp facility is still an option. Unfortunately, the only facility in a 50-mile radius of the main campus is in Decatur, IL. Refer to the attached guide for more information.

All employees and their spouses who are currently enrolled in a LLCC health insurance plan will receive the basic screening FREE OF CHARGE as well as receive a free flu shot! Sign up early to get the appointment of your choice. If a time you are looking for isn’t available when you register, complete your registration and come back to the website at a later date to see if any time slots open up.

Each employee who participates in the wellness screening will also receive a $50 VISA gift card…just for participating!

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Vacancies Announced

The Human Resources office is currently advertising for the new TRIO grant positions including the Director-Student Support Services and Retention Specialist.  We are also advertising for a Public Safety Assistant in Taylorville.  Complete information on these positions can be found on the HR Employment site.

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Reminder: Sick bank open enrollment ends Friday

A reminder the deadline for sick bank open enrollment is this Friday, Aug. 14. During the recent staff sick bank committee meeting, it was decided that no changes would be made to the current operational guidelines. It was also determined that this year would be a free year for current members.  Please review the attached enrollment form and operational guidelines below for more information. Only staff who are changing their current status in the sick bank or staff who wish to donate 1 or 2 additional days are required to complete the form.

Open Enrollment Form FY16           Operational Guidelines 7.1.15


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Adjunct Vacancies for Fall 2015

The Human Resources office is currently advertising for various adjunct instructor vacancies at the following locations:

Taylorville – Health and Developmental Composition (day classes)
Litchfield – Reading and Physical Geography (day classes)
Jacksonville  – Health and Spanish (day classes)
Beardstown  – Chemistry and Spanish (evening classes)

Complete information on all adjunct instructor opportunities can be found on the HR Employment website.

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