Welcome to 2021! At the beginning of each new year, people dust off the old year (especially last year!) and shift their focus to a fresh outlook and new and inspiring goals. This probably will include a new budget or saving goal for your individual household. LLCC’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Deer Oaks, can help with those goals. Visit Deer Oaks budgeting website for more information on balancing your budget, saving for an emergency and sticking to it all in 2021!
Category Archives: HR
Reminder about daily symptom tracker
Just a reminder that anyone who will be working in-person must complete the daily symptom tracker. If you are newly working in-person this semester or simply need to update your notification days, please let me know, and I will send the registration email to you. Please note that the default setting is that all days are selected for notifications, including Saturday and Sunday. So, you will need to unselect those days that you do not want to receive the survey for completion. If you have any questions, please contact nicole.ralph@llcc.edu.
Supervisors – please follow-up with your employees regarding this reminder, particularly with your adjunct, part-time and student employees.
HR advertising for director, IT development
HR is currently advertising for the following full-time opportunity: director, IT development. Full details can be found on the HR employment site.
New Employee Records site
The site where employees complete and submit Tuition Waivers and Name/Address Change Forms was recently updated with a new user interface. Access directions on how to navigate the new Employee Records site.
HR advertising for program navigator
HR is currently advertising for the following full-time opportunity: program navigator. Full details can be found on the HR employment site.
HR advertising for program assistant, student support services
HR is currently advertising for the following part-time opportunity: program assistant, student support services. Full details can be found on the HR employment site.
HR advertising two positions
LLCC Human Resources is advertising for an adult education coordinator and a website and social media writing coordinator. Full details can be found on the HR employment site.
Nov. 30 paycheck distribution
For those who receive physical payroll checks and pick those up each payday, please note that the check distribution window will be different on Nov. 30. You may pick up your payroll check between 9 a.m. and noon on Nov. 30 in the Human Resources office. Checks that have not been picked up by noon will be mailed. SUPERVISORS: Please share this information with any student employees you may have actively working and expecting a paycheck.
HR advertising for help desk specialist
LLCC Human Resources is now advertising for a help desk specialist. Full details can be found on the HR employment site.
Reminder about mandatory training
In accordance with Board Policy 1.7 and recent amendments to the Illinois Human Rights Act, all active employees, including adjunct instructors, student workers and other contractual and/or temporary employees, are required to complete sexual harassment prevention training on an annual basis. Training is administered online to provide a flexible format in which employees can complete the training and still accommodate their busy schedules. The course contains content that is certified to meet training requirements as required in the Illinois Human Rights Act. As such, all employees are required to complete this course even if you may have recently completed a similar training.
Because this is a mandatory training, we ask all supervisors to work with their staff, including student workers and other part-time, temporary or contractual employees, to find time within their work day, as appropriate and/or applicable, to complete the training. Please follow-up with your employees to ensure that they received the training link and have completed as required.
On Nov. 2, all active employees were sent an email to their LLCC email account, from the college’s training provider, SafeColleges, with a unique link to complete the course. You must have an active LLCC account to log in into SafeColleges. If you have not activated your LLCC account, please contact the helpdesk at 217-786-2555 or helpme@llcc.edu for assistance. Since it is an internet-based training, you can access the program 24 hours a day anywhere that you have internet access. It takes approximately 40 minutes to complete the course. Completion of the course must be done within 30 days of receipt of the training email.
If you have any questions, please contact nicole.ralph@llcc.edu.