Webinar: Humanizing the Online Environment

Illinois Community Colleges Online (ILCCO) is sponsoring a free webinar for Illinois community college faculty and staff. “Humanizing the Online Environment: Increasing Instructor Presence and Enhancing Student Engagement” with Dr. Michelle Pacansky-Brock will be held Wednesday, Sept. 23, at noon. This is the rescheduled keynote from February’s ILCCO Growing Online Learning Conference.

There has been a change to increase the seat capacity. Registration is available at https://form.jotform.com/202366974689069.

Humanizing is a pedagogical approach that supports the non-cognitive components of learning and increases the success of more students in online courses. In this presentation, we will consider why supporting the non-cognitive dimensions of learning is so important for students from marginalized groups and look at examples of humanized online teaching strategies. You will see how we are inspiring — not requiring — faculty to humanize their online courses through faculty-centric professional development in California.

The live link for the session, and the recording, will be available on the ICCB COVID faculty resource page.

What is OneDrive?

Microsoft Office 365 is comprised of online applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive and Teams. All active LLCC accounts (students, faculty, adjunct faculty and staff) have access to cloud storage with OneDrive. OneDrive is accessible on any smart device using a web browser or corresponding downloaded app.

With OneDrive, you can upload and store your LLCC documents and set permissions to share with other active LLCC users all from one location. There are no restrictions on the types of files that you can upload to OneDrive, and each account is granted 1024GB (1TB) of storage space.

Sync OneDrive to your PC or Mac, so you can access your files even when you’re offline. With sync, your PC (File Explorer) or Mac (Finder) files are always up-to-date. Any time that you edit a document, it is then synced via the cloud to your other devices and/or people you’ve shared with.

How do you access OneDrive?

  • Sign in to office.com with your LLCC email address and password.
    • You can also sign into your LLCC email via the web, and in the upper-left corner select the waffle icon, then OneDrive.
  • Select OneDrive.

Remote Access Knowledge BaseAdditional tech tips will be added to LincIn. Go to the Employee Portal > IT > Remote Access Knowledge Base  > OneDrive folder for additional documentation and to view a Getting started with OneDrive.pdf.

Sharing professional development opportunities

As a reminder, there is now a tab on the LincIn menu to help centralize communication about professional development opportunities. By clicking on this tab, faculty and staff can see all articles submitted on conferences, workshops, webinars and more.

If you have a professional development opportunity you would like to share, submit an article through the online LincIn form (also in top menu bar above).

New Professional Development menu tab

What is professional development? It is improving, updating and expanding knowledge and skills that support an individual’s role within the college and/or the overall mission, vision and values of the institution.

There is now a tab on the LincIn menu to help centralize communication about professional development opportunities. By clicking on this tab, faculty and staff can see all articles submitted on conferences, workshops, webinars and more.

The Campus Climate Team’s Professional Development project team has been working on ways to enhance professional development, including the communication about available opportunities. Participating in professional development helps us keep our knowledge and skills relevant and up-to-date, and sets us up for success!

Proctorio online test proctoring training Aug. 12

LLCC Faculty,

LLCC has licensed Proctorio, a remote proctoring service, to support your online testing needs this academic year. Proctorio is a secure monitoring platform that integrates with Blackboard and Canvas and only works within the Chrome web browser.

Proctorio works within the learning management system to monitor online test takers for suspicious behavior. The system is available to support all Online, Remote and Flex classes as needed with no additional cost to students.

Faculty members are not required to use Proctorio to deliver online exams, but for those faculty members who would like to have online exams proctored, the system is now available within Blackboard and Canvas (for those faculty who are in the Canvas pilot program).

Proctorio also provides 24/7support to faculty and students from within the Proctorio system. This support is provided through live support chat or direct access to the Proctorio help and support center.

For specific information on Proctorio at LLCC please visit our LLCC Proctorio page.

LLCC Academic Innovation and eLearning will be hosting a live training session with Proctorio representatives prior to the start of the fall 2020 semester. The date and time for the next training session is this Wednesday:

  • Aug. 12 at 1 p.m.

If you are interested in attending either of these training sessions, please email dawn.townsend@llcc.edu and include which day you would like to attend. You will then be emailed a confirmation with the link to the Zoom meeting.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about Proctorio please feel free to reach out to andy.mitkos@llcc.edu or becky.parton@llcc.edu.

Exploring and Engaging Equity video series

Equity-Conscious Practices. Equity Conscious Community College Pathways. Support for CC-ALL is provided by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Evolving from consciousness gaps to critical consciousness can occur by knowing what equity is and isn’t, talking about sensitive issues around race and making data-informed decisions grounded in equity. Get a summary of the videos from the Office of Community College Research & Leadership shared over the last four weeks in this recap video. The videos in the series advance strategic solutions to redress inequities through ongoing sustainable efforts centered around equity.

The Campus Climate Team has been sharing one video a week from OCCRL’s Exploring and Engaging Equity Video Vignette Series – exploring what equity is and revealing strategies to engage in equity-focused action. The team would like to know how many have been watching the videos and would appreciate your feedback on the series. If you watched at least one of the videos, please complete the brief feedback form by Aug. 17.

Tech tip: Create and share lists in To Do

With To Do, you can create lists and share them with others at LLCC via Outlook.

Create a list

  • Select the + New List on the left, under My Day, Import, Planned, etc. in the To Do app on the computer or mobile app on your smart device.
  • When using the To Do app on a computer, select + New List, and enter a name.
    • Enter on the keyboard to create the list.
  • An Untitled List is created when using the Mobile app.
    • Enter a name, and then select Done.

Create items to-do on your list

  • Select your list to open.
  • Select + Add a task, type the task, and press Add to the right or Enter when using the To Do app on the computer.
  • Select + Add a task, type the task and press the Return on your smart device keyboard display.
  • Your new task is added to the bottom of your list.

Manage a list

  • Select the to select List Options.
    • While using the To Do app on the computer, this will be to the right of the list name while open.
    • While using the mobile app, this will be in the upper right corner of the open list.
  • Options available – Rename list, edit, sort, change theme, print list or delete.

Share a list

  • Open the list and select the Share icon.
    • Share in the upper right corner when using the To Do app on the computer.
    • Sharing icon in the upper right corner when using the mobile app.
  • When the sharing menu opens, select the blue Create Invitation Link button.
    • Share via Outlook, or copy the link to paste.
    • Manage Access allows you to stop sharing at any time.
  • Send the sharing link to your collaborators using your favorite email or messenger app by pasting the link.

Note – List sharing is limited to members within the LLCC organization.

Exploring and Engaging Equity video series

Equity-Conscious Practices. Equity Conscious Community College Pathways. Support for CC-ALL is provided by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Delve deeper into how equity consciousness and cultural proficiency are interconnected in the fourth video in the Exploring and Engaging Equity Video Vignette Series from the Office of Community College Research & Leadership. This week’s episode focuses on equity-conscious leaders and cultural proficiency — leading for change. Hear about how important it is for leaders in education to include these practices within their overall framework. Also learn about “equity traps,” which are patterns of thinking and behaviors that prevent educators from being successful with all students.

The Campus Climate Team has been sharing one video a week from OCCRL’s Exploring and Engaging Equity Video Vignette Series — a valuable, free and conveniently accessible professional development resource on equity. The videos show topics of critical importance that aim to foster student success and equitable outcomes. They explore what equity is and reveal strategies to engage in equity-focused action.

Tech Tip: Plan with My Day and Suggestions in Microsoft To Do

To Do is an app in Microsoft Office 365 that helps you to keep your tasks organized and your day focused. My Day and suggestions help you to plan each day and focus on accomplishing your most important tasks. To Do is integrated into Outlook and  accessible as an individual online app in Office 365.

There are three ways to access To Do:

  1. Outlook
    • Desktop on your computer – the clipboard with a check mark in the lower left corner. This is a light version and My Day will not appear here.
    • Outlook 365 via web browser – the check mark in the lower left corner. To Do will open from the online apps with the full functionality.
  2. Office 365 – select the waffle icon in the upper-left corner of Outlook 365, and the To Do app or the Office 365 link to all available online apps.
  3. Mobile app – download from the Applet Store or Google Play Store. My Day and other functions are available.

Add tasks to My Day

When you first open To Do each day, you’ll see a fresh My Day. Here, you can enter the tasks you’d like to focus on for the day. After using To Do for at least one day, you’ll be able to add tasks from suggestions.

To plan your day using suggestions:

  • Select the lightbulb (For Today button) at the top right.
  • Review the most important suggested tasks, and select + to add them to My Day.
  • You can also enter new to-dos directly in to My Day.
  • All of the tasks entered in My Day will also be saved in your Tasks list. Anything you aren’t able to complete today will be saved and suggested to you tomorrow.

Connect with Outlook

  • You can view your Outlook Tasks and manage your flagged email directly in the Microsoft To Do online app.
  • All tasks will appear in both Microsoft To Do and Outlook automatically.
  • Flagged email will appear as tasks in Microsoft To Do.
    • The task’s name will be the subject of the flagged message and will include a preview of the email’s text in its detail view.
    • To open the original email, select the option to Open in Outlook from detail view.
    • Items in the Flagged Email list can be renamed, assigned due dates and reminders, added to My Day and marked as Important.

Exploring and Engaging Equity video series

Equity-Conscious Practices. Equity Conscious Community College Pathways. Support for CC-ALL is provided by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.This is the third week the Campus Climate Team is sharing a video from the Office of Community College Research & Leadership’s Exploring and Engaging Equity Video Vignette Series — a valuable, free and conveniently accessible professional development resource on equity. OCCRL’s videos show topics of critical importance that aim to foster student success and equitable outcomes. This week’s episode focuses on developing critical consciousness for advancing equity. Critical consciousness offers a way for marginalized people to try to make sense of inequitable social and economic conditions around them, and act to change those conditions. Learn about critical consciousness in relation to education and about the acts of reflecting, analyzing and taking steps to change social inequities. If you missed prior weeks’ videos, you can still access and view them: Episode 1: Equity-Conscious Practices and Episode 2: Identifying Equity Consciousness Gaps.