New Features in Canvas

As we start a new school year, we wanted to share some resources on new features in Canvas. This slide deck link has some great information and links to tutorials on these new features. We will also be offering workshops and training on these features in the future. Please reach out to the AIeL team is you have any questions.

LLCC ALERT test today

Each semester/term, LLCC tests its emergency alert system LLCC ALERT. LLCC ALERT allows the college to communicate with you by text, phone and email in an emergency, as well as for severe weather and other closures. Current employees and students are automatically enrolled in LLCC ALERT.

The next test is taking place today, Tuesday, Aug. 27, at approximately 11 a.m. You will receive a test message from LLCC ALERT.

We encourage you to visit and log in with your LLCC username and password to check your current contact information and manage how you receive emergency notifications. LLCC ALERT uses the information about you currently stored in the college’s Colleague system, and this information may need updating. Please add your office phone number if it is not listed, and make any other revisions needed.

For assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk at 217-786-2555 or

Note: Updating your contact information in LLCC ALERT will NOT update that information in Colleague. To update your information in Colleague, please contact LLCC Human Resources.

LLCC ALERT test tomorrow

Each semester/term, LLCC tests its emergency alert system LLCC ALERT. LLCC ALERT allows the college to communicate with you by text, phone and email in an emergency, as well as for severe weather and other closures. Current employees and students are automatically enrolled in LLCC ALERT.

The next test will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 27, at approximately 11 a.m. You will receive a test message from LLCC ALERT.

We encourage you to visit and log in with your LLCC username and password to check your current contact information and manage how you receive emergency notifications. LLCC ALERT uses the information about you currently stored in the college’s Colleague system, and this information may need updating. Please add your office phone number if it is not listed, and make any other revisions needed.

For assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk at 217-786-2555 or

Note: Updating your contact information in LLCC ALERT will NOT update that information in Colleague. To update your information in Colleague, please contact LLCC Human Resources.

Retirement reception for Brendan Lee

The LLCC Police Department invites you to a retirement reception for Brendan Lee, community service officer. The reception will be held Friday, Aug. 23, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room.

Please join us as we wish Brendan well on his next adventure!

Register for Midday Yoga

woman doing yogaMidday Yoga is offered on campus this fall for faculty and staff. Use your lunch hour as a time to unwind and reset your mind. Register today!

Instructor: Ali Griffith
Date: Thu, Sep 5-Oct 10
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Cost: $59
Location: Millennium Center, Room 2237
Course Code: CEW 802-003
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat.

Convocation is Friday!

Jack Uldrich speaking on a stageThe annual Convocation for faculty and staff will be held this Friday starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Union. This year’s event will feature Jack Uldrich, a leading futurist, author, and speaker whose work is based on the transformational principles of unlearning as a strategy to survive and thrive in an era of unparalleled change.

In addition, the day will include an address by President Charlotte Warren, department meetings in the afternoon and a social from 4-6 p.m. in the Hamilton Area. At the social, you can enjoy games, food, beverages and music from the band Myers, Brant & Paoni.

A three-piece band: one bassist and two guitarists

Convocation, this Friday, Aug. 16

The annual Convocation for faculty and staff will be held Friday, Aug. 16, starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Union. This year’s event will feature a well-recognized global futurist, speaker and the author of 14 books, including award-winning best sellers — Jack Uldrich! In addition, the day will include an address by Dr. Charlotte Warren, department meetings in the afternoon and a social from 4-6 p.m. in the Hamilton Area.

Jack Uldrich speaking on a stageUldrich helps organizations gain the critical foresight they need to create a successful future. His work is based on the transformational principles of unlearning as a strategy to survive and thrive in an era of unparalleled change. He is a frequent speaker on technology, change management and leadership and has addressed hundreds of corporations, associations and not-for-profit organizations on five continents. He regularly makes appearances on major media outlets and is also an ongoing contributor on emerging technologies and future trends for “The Wall Street Journal,” “Forbes,” “Wired Magazine” and “Inc.”