We extend our sympathy to friends and family of David Dow, former adjunct instructor, who who taught at LLCC from 1999-2014. Read the obituary.
Category Archives: General
Strategic plan tactics
The 2022-2026 LLCC Strategic Plan with tactics has now been posted on the LLCC Employee Portal landing page.
Inclusivity Series features Salsa Ambassador today in A. Lincoln Commons
LLCC’s Inclusivity Speaker Series today sponsors Julio Barrenzuela, the “Salsa Ambassador,” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in A. Lincoln Commons. Come and learn how to dance the Salsa!
Barrenzuela has been teaching Salsa for over 10 years in any place that he can, including nursing homes, facilities for those with disabilities and youth organizations. He says, “Music brings people together, and that’s what I want to do through my efforts. The hope is to make a difference by giving the community’s most unlikely people, be it from their wheelchair or jail cell, the opportunity to see themselves as salsa dancers and therefore members of a much larger ‘salsa community.’”
He is a veteran of the Navy and has a doctorate in cultural studies from Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. He is currently president of CIELO, a culturally integrated organization dedicated to promoting the education, employment and culture of Latino Americans in communities that are within about a 60-mile radius of Springfield.
Our sympathy to friends and family of Dr. Karl Suess
We extend our sympathy to friends and family of Dr. Karl Suess, retired LLCC professor of English, who taught at LLCC from 1971-2012. Read the obituary.
Sign up to help with United Way’s Day of Action
United Way of Central Illinois is hosting a Day of Action on Friday, April 28 from 1-4 p.m. Per United Way, “Day of Action is a program designed to promote volunteerism and demonstrate what we can achieve when individuals, organizations and businesses work together.”
LLCC will be sending a delegation of faculty and staff to show our support for United Way and our community. Here’s what you need to know:
- Faculty and staff can choose to drive themselves to the Day of Action location (TBD), or carpool together in a LLCC vehicle.
- We will be assigned a work location closer to the day of the event. As of right now, there are opportunities to do landscaping and painting. In the past, participants have helped sort food and clothing as well as tear down small structures.
- Participants will receive a free T-shirt. Yippee!
- You will have the opportunity to get to know some other awesome people that work at LLCC.
- Since this is during the workday, no need to clock out while volunteering.
Interested? Check in with your supervisor to make sure you can participate, and then fill out the United Way Day of Action Sign Up Form by Wednesday, April 5. There are a limited number of spots, so talk with your supervisor today.
Questions? Reach out to Leslie Johnson, assistant vice president, student success, at leslie.johnson@llcc.edu.
Join LLCC’s Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee
All are welcome to join LLCC’s Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee today, March 22, from 2-3 p.m. in Millennium 2203. This initial meeting will discuss planning events for National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 2023. If you are interested in participating but cannot make it to this meeting, please contact co-chairs Faby Gonzalez, student success coach, at fabiola.gonzalez@llcc.edu or Marina Wirsing, career coach, at marina.wirsing@llcc.edu.
Congratulations to Tim Cunningham
Congratulations to Tim Cunningham, IT project manager, and wife on the birth of their twin daughters, Viola and Eleanor Cunningham, born Friday, March 17. Vyla weighs 7 pounds, 4 ounces and measures 20.5 inches long, and Ellie weighs 5 pounds, 13.8 ounces and measures 19 inches long. All are doing well!
Join LLCC’s Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee
All are welcome to join LLCC’s Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee this Wednesday, March 22, from 2-3 p.m. in Millennium 2203. This initial meeting will discuss planning events for National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 2023. If you are interested in participating but cannot make it to this meeting, please contact co-chairs Faby Gonzalez, student success coach, at fabiola.gonzalez@llcc.edu or Marina Wirsing, career coach, at marina.wirsing@llcc.edu.
Governor Pritzker holds press conference at LLCC
LLCC welcomed Governor JB Pritzker, Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton and other elected officials to the Kreher Agriculture Center yesterday. The Governor held a press conference to highlight funding proposals for higher education and an increase in MAP grant funding. Dr. Charlotte Warren, president, introduced the Governor and spoke on the impact of MAP grants. “So far this year, our college has awarded more than $2.5 million in MAP grants to our students, an increase of more than $1.3 million over the previous year. When students receive MAP funding to help cover their college costs, they can spend more time focusing on their studies and less time working to pay the bills.” Ag Student Keziah Gragg spoke on how MAP grants have helped her pay for college. “Instead of leaving school with student loans, I will be graduating from LLCC debt-free. I can now move on to complete my last two years at the university level earning a bachelor’s degree in animal science.” Keziah also had the opportunity to speak to the Governor after the conference. Other speakers included State Senator Doris Turner, State Representative Mike Coffey and State Representative Katie Stuart.
Our sympathy to Gretchen Conway
We extend our sympathy to Gretchen Conway, associate professor of OTA, on the passing of her mother-in-law, Kathryn Conway, on Feb. 27. View the obituary.