Five Secrets to Spectacular Student Engagement
Central: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
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Five Secrets to Spectacular Student Engagement
These are several photos that Professor Chris McDonald captured of a fawn and its mother early Monday morning in the bean field west of the truck driver training lot. They crossed over the road to the edge of the prairie before getting spooked by a car and running into the woods by the truck driver lot. Do we dare tell the ag professors the deer nibbled on some of the soybeans?!
TODAY: A reminder that ITDE is closed. Mod V final exams are taking place today.
Happy Birthday to those faculty and staff celebrating birthdays in July! Click HERE or on the Birthdays tab at the top of LincIn.
The Epicurean Club is hosting an Ice Cream Social in A. Lincoln Commons today from 1-3 p.m. Assorted flavors and toppings available at $3 per bowl. What could be better on a hot day?
One week from the today is the last day smoking and tobacco use will be allowed on campus, per state law. If you observe smoking after that date, Vice President for Student Services Lesley Frederick encourages you to speak up, and ask the smokers (nicely) if they are aware that smoking is no longer allowed on campus. Here are the basics you can share:
LLCC student and bird banding station volunteer Mark Gordon recently produced this excellent short film on the LLCC bird banding station as an independent study project. Tony Rothering, professor of biology, and Vern Kleen, master bird bander, are featured, along with LLCC students and station volunteers. Samantha Reif, assistant professor of geosciences, is also in the film. This spring, 1064 birds of 75 species were banded at LLCC, and fall banding will begin again Aug. 24.