New automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at LLCC

You may have noticed some new additions hanging in several campus hallways this semester. These new additions are automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

AEDs are life-saving medical devices that can be used by trained individuals on those suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. The AED defib2attaches to a victim’s chest to assess the heart’s rhythm and, if needed, automatically determines whether or not a shock should be delivered to correct that rhythm. That “shock,” or metered electrical charge, can often restore the heart to a normal function and save that person’s life. It’s estimated by the American Heart Association that over 50,000 lives a year could be saved by the early use of an AED combined with prompt bystander Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

AED units were purchased by the College over the past year, and have been placed campus-wide at LLCC-Springfield, at all LLCC Outreach Centers and in each LLCCPD squad car. These AEDs feature basic audio and visual commands, and are designed to be simple to use by anyone who has been trained.

AED/CPR training is being offered by LLCCPD. Any staff or faculty member wishing to receive training should contact Community Service Officer Brendan Lee at 6.2278 for more information.