ITDE introduces Blackboard Support Center

BB Support Center

The Instructional Technology and Distance Education department invites you to visit the newly developed Blackboard Support Center, located online at The Blackboard support center has been developed to provide students and faculty with on-demand instruction and support on the use of Blackboard at LLCC.

A link to the LLCC Blackboard Support Center has been added to the Blackboard login page, the Blackboard institutional announcements frame, and Faculty are also encouraged to link to the LLCC Blackboard support center within their Blackboard course shells, to provide students with quick access to the site from within their courses. 

As this is a newly designed service, we encourage your feedback to assist in the maintenance, update, and redevelopment of the site in the future. 

Thank you,

Becky Parton, associate dean, Instructional Technology & Distance Education

LLCC will be discontinuing use of Turnitin

The college has access to SafeAssign (a similar plagiarism detection system) through our Blackboard Learn system. SafeAssign will now become the single plagiarism detection system available for use at LLCC.

A SafeAssign video tutorial can be found online, as part of the new Blackboard Support Center. Workshops on the use of SafeAssign have been scheduled for Friday, Sept. 6 and Tuesday, Sept. 17. Watch for the ITDE workshop schedule for detailed workshop information.

The Turnitin system will remain available through Blackboard through the end of the day on Monday, Sept. 2 to allow faculty members the ability to access and save any documents that need to be retained.Even though the Turnitin system will be available the first week of the fall semester, do not use the Turnitin system as part of any fall 2013 course work. The system’s availability during this time period is for backup purposes only.

This document provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to access and save documents from the Turnitin system.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

Becky Parton, associate dean, Instructional Technology & Distance Education

New LLCC inbox for students

Student email accounts are currently being migrated to Office365 in the Cloud.  Students will notice an updated interface and several enhancements, such as 25GB of storage and the ability to send larger file attachments. More information about the new LLCC inbox on Office 365 can be found HERE. While accounts are being migrated there is a temporary three-step log-in. Once the mailboxes are migrated, which is expected to be completed by today, the login process will be simplified.

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LLCC Murray Gallery opens fall season with “Additions” by artist Jeff Robinson

Robinson exhibit at LLCCThe Lincoln Land Community College James S. Murray Gallery opens the fall season with an exhibit entitled “Additions” by artist and educator Jeff Robinson. The show will run from Aug. 26-Sept. 19 and is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The gallery is located on the upper level of Menard Hall on the Springfield campus.

Jeff Robinson, a central Illinois native, earned an MFA degree from Illinois State University in 2011 and has exhibited locally, regionally and nationally at venues in Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts and New York. His work has been published in “New American Paintings” and “Manifest Gallery’s International Painting Annual.” In addition to his studio practice, he is a full-time instructor of art at the University of Illinois-Springfield and serves as gallery director for the UIS Visual Arts Gallery.

“I think of my works as assembled paintings, but they are perhaps more properly identified as sculptures born of a planar understanding,” said the artist. “There is a lineage of artists that have long established the interconnection between two-dimensional art forms and the material world. I am interested in extending this conversation. I suggest that a world exists between surface and space. My paintings inhabit this world.”

Chef Denise Perry

Chef Denise Perry, instructor, Culinary Institute, recently trained Chatham School District cafeteria staff in healthy food preparation techniques in the Workforce Careers Center culinary kitchens, and was quote in this SJ-R story Aug. 17.

ITS has completed spam filter update

ITS has completed its upgrade of the campus email spam/phishing filter. Please continue to keep an eye open for any phishing messages and report them to ITS. Phishing messages are often legitimate looking, but actually are fraudulent messages which attempt to trick you into providing passwords or personal information. NEVER send your personal information including passwords, user IDs, credit card numbers or a Social Security Number via email. Passwords should NEVER be shared with ANYONE in any form.

Phishing is a common identity theft method used by fraudulent parties. NEVER send your personal information including passwords, user IDs, credit card numbers or a Social Security Number via email. Passwords should NEVER be shared with ANYONE in any form.

To learn more about “phishing”, follow the links below:

Information and Telecommunication Systems (ITS) does not solicit passwords or any other personal information via e-mail. If you receive an e-mail message that appears to come from ITS that requests this type of information, please forward it immediately to Do not reply or click on any links. Again, these e-mails are often hoaxes (“phishing” e-mails), part of identity theft and fraud scams.

Thank you for your patience,


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Hummingbird and other bird news

Hummingbirds are enjoying the feeders in the Helen Hamilton outdoor area…be sure to check them out! Tony Rothering, professor of biology, gives kudos to his department for the filling and maintaining of feeders (hummingbird and otherwise).

Tony also notes that fall bird banding season begins Monday, Aug 26 and continues through mid-November in the woods on the north edge of campus.  Master bird bander Vern Kleen will be banding from dawn to 11 a.m., Mon.-Fri. and some Saturdays. All are welcome to stop by!  A number of biology instructors are bringing classes out for demonstrations at various times throughout the semester.

Shared Governance Council met July 30

The Shared Governance Council met July 30 and discussed vacancies on several teams*, the creation of videos to explain Shared Governance to new members, organization of Shared Governance documents on the Portal for all to view, and increased communication about Shared Governance actions.

Click HERE to read the minutes of the July 30 SGC meeting.

*Shared Governance Teams are: Academic & Admissions Standards Team, Academic Assessment Team, Cultural Awareness Team, Curriculum Team, Environmental Health & Safety Team, Professional Development Team, Sustainability Team.