October Data Byte – Student Transfer Metrics

Join the Data Governance Council (DGC) for the October Data Byte conversation on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 11:10 a.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room. This month’s focus will be baccalaureate completion of LLCC transfer students. Feel free to bring your lunch. Or maybe you’ll be the lucky attendee who wins a Quiznos lunch!

Posted in IRE |

Open office hours for Zogotech tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.

September DataBit – Join the Campus Conversation!

It is never too late to join a DataBit conversation. The DataBit series exists to spark campus conversations on a single data point. Institutional Research and Effectiveness has been visualizing and distributing the DataBit once a month via email. Send an email to Tricia Kujawa to be added to the distribution list. Our September DataBit is Making the Leap: Who are LLCC’s Adult Ed students, and how do those making the leap to undergraduate-level work perform?

Posted in IRE |

Open office hours for IRE tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.

Campus Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey Launches Sept. 23

Given 110 ILCS 155/35, each higher education institution in Illinois must annually conduct an anonymous campus sexual misconduct climate survey to assess students’ experiences, outcomes regarding their experiences and perception of sexual violence and college culture. LLCC will administer this survey during the fall semester to those in the student body who are at least 18 years of age. Survey invitations will be sent to the students’ LLCC email accounts on Monday, Sept. 23. Any student who wishes to participate has until Thursday, Oct. 31 to provide a response.

If asked, please share that any student of legal age can participate yet participation is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time without penalty or prejudice. If you would like to preview the survey questions or learn more about this statute, please visit the IBHE website.

Posted in IRE |

Open office hours for Zogotech tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.

Today’s Data Byte – OER and Textbook Affordability Survey Results

During 2023, CARLI, the library’s consortium, administered a statewide survey to help identify Illinois students’ needs regarding affordable course materials and interest in open educational resources or other affordable course material options. This Data Byte will look at LLCC students’ responses to this survey, as well as discuss some initiatives at LLCC Library to address the needs that our students expressed.

See you today in the Robert H. Stephens Room at 11:10 a.m. Bring your lunch, or maybe you will be one of the lucky attendees who wins a lunch from Quiznos.

Posted in IRE |

Open office hours for Zogotech tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?

LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!

Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.

Posted in IRE |

Fall Data Byte Conversation Series Begins Next Week

Join the Data Governance Council (DGC) for the first Data Byte conversation of the fall semester. This month’s focus will be findings from the CARLI textbook survey. Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 10, in Millennium Center, Room 2203 at 11:10 a.m. for this conversation.

Programming note: The Data Byte conversation series is sponsored by LLCC’s Data Governance Council. The fall series will take place on the second Tuesday of each month. The remaining dates include:

  • Oct. 8
  • Nov. 12
  • Dec. 10

All will be held in Millennium Center, Room 2203 from 11:10-11:50 a.m. Feel free to bring your lunch. Or maybe you’ll be the lucky attendee who wins a Quiznos lunch!

Posted in IRE |

Open office hours for Zogotech today, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.