In the news

Janelle Murphy, director, radiography program, and LLCC 2015 Outstanding Graduate Sr. Mary Gianna, were interviewed May 14 for a commencement story in the SJ-R May 15.

In the news

Todd McDonald, vice president of administrative services, will be the subject of a Personality Profile in the June edition of the Springfield Business Journal. He was interviewed for the profile May 12.

Jay Kitterman, consultant to the LLCC Culinary Institute, was interviewed for a story in the SJ-R May 11 on the new trend in fast casual dining. Jay was also interviewed by WNNS radio May 11.


In the news

Chris McDonald, Ph.D., political science professor, was a guest writer for the May 4 issue of the SJ-R with the article “Rewards, opportunities at Lincoln Land Community College.”

In the news

Epicuriosity 101 this week is by Marnie Record, workforce specialist, who gives great tips for getting the most from your local Farmers’ Market.

Scott Stallman, executive director, LLCC-Taylorville and Litchfield/Hillsboro, and Jan Terry, retiring executive director, LLCC-Jacksonville and Beardstown, were interviewed this morning on WLDS about the upcoming transition in leadership.

Scott was also interviewed on WTIM April 23 regarding summer and fall classes and events.

In the news

The unique partnership between LLCC’s bird banding program and Highway Construction Careers Training program was the subject of this story in the State Journal-Register April 25. Julie Rourke, Jim Betts and Tony Rothering were interviewed for the story. The SJ-R photographer also captured the release of a hawk by LLCC student Tyler Beckerman.

The Lamp’s editor Ryan Wilson was featured in a story April 26 in the State Journal-Register about the 13 awards recently won by LLCC’s student newspaper.

In the News

Bird banding stationUnique partnership on campus: Look for a story in the State Journal-Register Saturday about the Highway Construction Careers Program, which is currently building a structure to house bird banding activities led by Tony Rothering, professor of biology, and students. Julie Rourke, director of workforce development; Jim Betts, construction instructor; Prof. Rothering and student Tyler Beckerman were interviewed for the story.

The building will also provide storage for the athletic department.

In the news

The latest Epicuriosity 101 column in the SJ-R written by Nancy Sweet, culinary operations manager, is on vinaigrettes. Be sure to send your culinary questions to !

Lorie McDonald, director, LLCC-Litchfield and Hillsboro, was a guest on the WSMI-AM Wednesday Morning Talkshow April 15. She discussed new classes being offered at Litchfield for summer and fall, upcoming events, affordability of coming to a community college and the benefits of taking summer classes.

In the news

The presentation April 15 of the ambulance simulator to LLCC from HSHS St. John’s was covered by WICS, WTAX and the SJ-R. Nick Ferreira, EMS and Medical Coding program coordinator, was interviewed.

In the news

Chris McDonald, Ph.D., political science professor, was interviewed by WUIS radio regarding his recently published book, “‘Three Lying or Four Sitting’–From the Front in a Ford.” Listen to the interview HERE.