Thank you from Tamie Penning

I would like to thank my LLCC family for the hugs, condolences, cards, emails, donations, and beautiful flowers after the passing of my brother. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is truly appreciated.

Retirement Reception for Trudy Stutzman April 29

balloon_retirementA retirement reception is being held for Trudy Stutzman, admission and registration services representative, Friday, April 29 from 2-4 p.m. in Menard Hall, Room 1107. Please join us in honoring her service to the college and wishing her farewell!


We apologize, the article yesterday included the form from last year. Please see the current one below. Be sure you fill in both sides, as we need your contact information to arrange pick up. We will take orders until the plants are gone, or finals week, which ever comes first. Pick up times will be announced next week. Please send your completed order forms to or You may also contact either of us for early pick up.

Environmental Club Heirloom Tomato Sale Form
Tomatoe plant varieties

Brown Bag Presentation today on exploring China

Please join us for a brown bag presentation by Todd McDonald, vice president, administrative services, and Carmen Allen, professor, computer programming, entitled, “Exploring China – Touring, Food and Education.” The presentation will be held from noon-1 p.m. today in the R. H. Stephens. Todd and Carmen recently returned from a trip to China as part of their doctoral program. Bring your lunch and enjoy a look at this fascinating country.