Next Journaling and Mindfulness Session, March 4

Make time for your well-being by attending our upcoming Journaling & Mindfulness sessions! Below is a list of upcoming dates. To easily keep track of these sessions, click the link below to visit the event page. Once there, simply select “add to my calendar” to save the event and ensure you don’t miss it.

We hope to see you there!

All sessions will be held in Sangamon Hall, Library Room 1126 and begin at 12:45 p.m. For any questions, please contact Rachel Duff, employee health and wellness coordinator.

Posted in HR |

Nominate the 2025 Student Commencement Speaker

Faculty and staff,

As we prepare for the LLCC Commencement ceremonies in 2025, we are excited to begin the process of selecting our student speaker. The student speaker plays a key role in representing the voice of the graduating class, inspiring peers and celebrating the shared experience of our academic community.

We are looking for a student who exemplifies the values of LLCC — one who has shown leadership, perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. This year, we are particularly seeking a student whose journey aligns with the theme of “Change.” We are looking for someone who has experienced significant transformation in their life, whether through their academic work, connections with faculty, staff and peers, or by overcoming personal challenges. This student should have a unique perspective on how LLCC has helped shape or alter their outlook on life, their future, or their personal trajectory.

If you know a student who has demonstrated these qualities, someone who positively represents LLCC and embodies the spirit of growth and transformation, we invite you to submit a nomination for their consideration as the student speaker.

Please provide a brief rationale for your nomination, detailing how the student has embraced change and how their experiences at LLCC have impacted their path. Nominations should be submitted no later than March 22, 2025, to Gailyn Draper.

A nomination form is linked below, along with a list of graduating students for 2024-2025 school year.
Graduating Students 2025
MEMO Student Speakers APPLICATIONS 2025

If you have any questions, please reach out to Gailyn Draper at 217-786-2213 or Ashley Krzenski at 217-786-3479.

Thank you for your time and for helping us select a student speaker who will truly represent the transformative experience of our graduates.

Faculty Development: Teaching Durable Skills in a Changing World

Change is exhausting. Over the last two years — since the release of ChatGPT —we’ve seen hundreds of “game-changing” AI products released. Again and again, we’ve been told to adapt or die. Hardly anyone can keep up. That puts educators and students in a tough spot. How do we respond to a world that is — supposedly — changing before our eyes?

Dr. Jason Gulya’s response is to teach durable skills and to focus on progress over product. In this session, he’ll talk about specific ways that he works that response into his online and onsite courses. In particular, he’ll talk about using AI to encourage critical thinking and analysis.

In the end, the rise of AI has not changed the principles of good teaching. We don’t need to fully abandon what we’ve been doing. But we do need to think about whether we’ve been doing everything we can to make our classrooms places of human connection and belonging.

In this session, we’ll begin by going over some of the reactive aspects of these changes: Generative AI is being brought into our classrooms in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. In the second half of the presentation, we’ll discuss how we can move from this reactive mindset to the proactive one. How can we move forward with all of these changes in mind? What specific actions can we take in the classroom to set up our students for success?

Join this Zoom session on Friday, Feb. 28, from 1-3 p.m.

Register for this faculty development workshop.

Lunch and Learn: BLK Enterprise

Join us on Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in A. Lincoln Commons for a Lunch and Learn.

At the intersection of Black History Month and Women’s History Month, hear from two local enterprising women about their careers, running a small business and building financial security. Guests are Dr. Gina Lathan (Route History Museum) and Ms. Yemisi Anderson (The JAY Effect LLC). A meal will be provided following the conversation. We encourage advanced registration to help with meal planning. You can register for the lunch and learn online.

Sponsored by the African-American History Month Committee.

AllOne Health EAP Services

As a reminder, LLCC’s EAP partner, formerly Deer Oaks EAP Services, is now operating as AllOne Health. AllOne Health benefits help you thrive in all areas of life with holistic support for mental health, well-being and more. These benefits are completely confidential to use and open to family members. We encourage you to reach out to EAP for personalized support! Check out the information on the health and wellness employee portal page for details about how to create your account, download the app and access services available.

For questions, please contact Rachel Duff, employee health and wellness coordinator.

African-American Food and Vendor Day is today

Don’t forget some extra spending money on Wednesday, Feb. 26! Vendors will be set up in A. Lincoln Commons from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for browsing/shopping. The University of Spa will offer free manicures and haircuts as well.

Beginning around 11 a.m. there will be food samples offered too!

If you’d like to help with any aspects of the day, please sign up to volunteer at the African-American Food and Vendor Day..

The African-American History Month Planning Committee looks forward to seeing you!

Great Turnout for College Now Information Session!

Students and parents listening to the College Now information session. There was an outstanding turnout of 23 students and their family members in the LLCC Student Union on Monday night to learn about College Now! Families from Rochester, New Berlin, Pawnee, Glenwood, Auburn, Southeast and Lutheran High School were in attendance.

Know someone who may be interested?

The next College Now information session will be offered in conjunction with Campus Visit Day on March 3 at 4:30 p.m.

SDS Manager Training on March 5

LLCC is transitioning to SDS Manager, an online safety data sheet management system. Training on how to access and use the database will be provided on Wednesday, March 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Kreher Agriculture Center, Room 1115/1117.

Anyone that uses hazardous chemicals or products is encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend in person, a video of the presentation will be made available on Environmental Health and Safety SharePoint page. If you have any questions, email Lisa Volk-Draper or call 217-786-3491.

Posted in ITS |