Latest Issue of Foundation’s “Circle of Friends” Newsletter

Click here to read the April/May 2014 issue of the LLCC Foundation newsletter ” Circle of Friends.” This issue features a story about United Community Bank’s generous gift to the “Grow Beyond” endowment campaign, the latest news on LLCC’s Gala coming up May 3, an announcement of the 2014 Pearson Master Teacher finalists, a great photo from the LEAGUE kickoff, and more.

Anthony Tate, biology instructor, reports on Belize trip

Tate AnthonyOn January 3 of this year I embarked on a trip to Belize as part of the Biological Field Studies course (BIO 209) offered here at Lincoln Land Community College.  My roles in this course were that of a chaperone and also to participate as an international community education member.  To help defray the cost of the trip, I requested $400 from the Faculty Development and Recognition Committee.  As a new faculty member I am very appreciative of being graciously awarded those funds…      READ MORE

Save the date for a retirement reception!

Mark your calendars for a retirement farewell to end all farewells!  It is for David Laubersheimer, dean of Arts and Humanities, and Glenda Thomas, assistant to the dean of Arts and Humanities.  Their combined retirement reception is Thursday, May 15,  2-4 p.m. in the Trutter Center.  If anyone would like to contribute toward gifts, please see Vickie Ward in the Arts and Humanities office (ext. 62329).  Hope to see you there!

Prairie Burns on Springfield Campus complete

burn smallAs you may have noticed, we took advantage of a calm and sunny day on Saturday, April 5 to conduct the controlled burns to our prairies. Fire is a natural part of the ecology of native prairies and is a vital tool to the establishment and maintenance of these areas. Although at first glance the blackened ground looks barren, it absorbs sunlight, warming the soil to promote germination of the native plants. The burning also serves to discourage non-native plants and woody species that compete with the more desirable natives. It also releases and recycles nutrients that are vital to new plant growth.

The controlled burns are a coordinated effort of LLCC’s Facilities Services department, biology classes and the LLCC Environmental Club. The burns have been approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Student Life invites you to Macaroni Soup family concert!

Join us tonight for Macaroni Soup! This FREE, high energy and super fun concert is hosted will be in the Trutter Center.  There will be pre-concert activities provided by the LLCC Child Development Center starting at 6 p.m. and the concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. “Miss Carole” Stephens of Park Ridge, IL has 7 award-winning CDs and travels the U.S. bringing her energy and enthusiasm to help everyone have a ball and sing and dance along!

Tickets can be picked up in the LLCC Student Life Office (lower level, Menard Hall). This is a Red & Blue Crew event and is sponsored by the Logger Activities Board and LLCC Child Development Center.

LLCC Honors Club off to great start with “Be A Hero Campaign” press conference

IMG_6912Lincoln Land Community College is 1 of 21 colleges participating in the Secretary of State’s “Be A Hero Campaign” to promote organ/tissue donor awareness and to increase registration in Illinois.  A press conference was held Tuesday, April 8 to promote the efforts of the LLCC Honors Club in promoting this effort.  To view photos from the event, click HERE.  For more information, visit the LLCC “Be a Hero Campaign” Facebook Page.