Throughout the month of January, advocates for victims and survivors of stalking will recognize National Stalking Awareness Month (SAM) by increasing awareness of the issue and providing information about local and national resources for victims of stalking. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to heighten awareness of this issue and show their solidarity and support of victims by wearing a silver ribbon, available for free in Advising, Counseling & Career Services as well as Student Life.
This year, the SAVE Taskforce is doing a “Stalking Myths vs. Realities” campaign to raise awareness of the danger of stalking and dispel common and harmful misconceptions about this crime. In addition to SAVE’s LincIn posts that will highlight some myths and realities of stalking throughout the month, you can get more information about stalking by looking for table tents and posters around campus or visiting
In connection with SAM, the Jacksonville Activities Board will be sponsoring a Jeans Day on Thursday, Jan. 12. Money can be given to the Student Life Office to participate. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center, 61% of female victims and 44% of male victims of stalking are stalked by a current or former intimate partner. With the strong connection between stalking and domestic or intimate partner violence in mind, all proceeds from the Jeans Day will be given to Sojourn Shelter and Services, a local organization that assists victims of domestic violence and stalking.
Anyone experiencing stalking should reach out to LLCC Police Department (217.786.2278) or their local police department. If you wish to learn more about stalking awareness or help promote Stalking Awareness Month at LLCC, please contact Shelby Bedford at 217-786-4516 or