Congratulations to the LLCC Chemistry Club on its national award!

PlaqueCongratulations to the LLCC Chemistry Club, advised by Dr. Michael Ramm and Jennifer Ramm, professors of chemistry, which was the recent recipient of a national award for its work during the 2014-2015 academic year!

The club is officially a Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Each year, a report is submitted to the ACS that describes the club’s activities for the year. Chapters can receive Outstanding, Commendable or Honorable Mention awards, or none at all. For the first time ever, the LLCC Chemistry Club earned a Commendable Award for the 2014-15 year. (There were 55 Outstanding chapters, 99 Commendable and 160 Honorable Mention awards presented.) The awards were announced in In Chemistry, the national ACS magazine for undergraduate students, and were presented at a national ACS conference this spring. The plaque recently arrived on campus.

2014-15 Chemistry Club President Lenny Smith and Vice President Tim Webb, now both students at Northern Illinois University, also had their names published in the magazine.