Welcome Tina Compton and Daymon Kiliman

Tina Compton, originally from Pana, began working as the employee recruitment coordinator in LLCC Human Resources on April 26. Previously, she worked in HR for six years with Prairie State Bank & Trust and 15 years with Pedcor in Indianapolis. She can be reached at tina.compton@llcc.edu or 217-786-2766.

Daymon Kiliman, a Springfield native, began May 3 as an academic support specialist in TRIO. Most recently, he served as the writing center director and Northwest Mississippi Community College. He earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and two master’s degrees from University of Illinois Springfield. He can be reached at daymon.kiliman@llcc.edu or 217-786-2874.

Welcome, Tina and Daymon!

Tina Compton

Tina Compton

Daymon Kiliman

Daymon Kiliman