Grief counseling available

Maureen Curry, facilities office coordinator, had recently celebrated 20 years of service with the college, and the LLCC family will certainly feel this loss. For those who may be struggling with reconciling this loss, there are support options for you. For those who may want to seek more individualized support for coping with the loss of Maureen, please reach out to our Employee Assistance Program at 1-888-993-7650. Licensed counselors are available to assist you during this, or any, difficult time you are experiencing. You may also access resources online at (login & password:

We would also like to offer group grief counseling sessions for those who may want to support each other in their grief, facilitated by a licensed counselor. If there is interest in group sessions, we would like to offer it this coming Friday in the afternoon, in order to give the most employees access across all shifts. If you would be interested in participating in a group grief counseling session, please email with your interest yet today. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these sessions will be conducted virtually. For those who may have technology access issues, we can arrange for locations around campus for those who wish to participate. Please indicate in your email if you will need access to technology.