Update on bluebird houses

In August, Tony Rothering, professor of biology, worked with Boy Scout Troop 210 to install 29 bluebird houses on the LLCC campus in Springfield. The undertaking was Zach Rothering’s Eagle Scout project, a memorial to Kay Rothering, LLCC alum. As of yesterday, May 12, we have 15 of the 29 boxes actively being used by one of the following species: Eastern Bluebird (six nests), House Sparrow (five nests), Tree Swallow (three nests) and Black-capped Chickadee (one nest). Within these 15 nests, there are currently a collective total of 50 eggs and five hatchlings/fledglings. It is also worth noting that a box just south of Montgomery Hall had a bluebird brood of four fledglings that successfully left the nest sometime over the past week. We should continue to see activity throughout the summer as bluebirds have multiple broods within a breeding season. Below are a few photos of the eggs/young.

bluebird eggs

Bluebird eggs

bluebird hatchling and eggs

Bluebird hatchling and eggs

bluebird fledgling

Bluebird fledgling

chickadee nest and eggs

Chickadee nest and eggs