Vacation accruals

Whether it’s due to your current work status, travel restrictions or other circumstances, you may find yourself canceling vacation plans or not having the opportunity to take vacation time as you may have intended during this period of time. This may put some of you, who are currently carrying a high vacation leave balance, in a situation where you will not get your full monthly or annual vacation accrual. Rest assured that you are not in danger of losing vacation accruals due to the situation we find ourselves in. For anyone whose accrual will put them over the maximum balance limit (320 hours for full-time employees), HR will carryover that excess vacation accrual and track it separately from the system.  Each month, HR will provide a report to those employees with carryover balances. Normal accruals with no carryover will resume Sept. 30, 2020. You will need to work with and seek approval from your supervisor on a plan to use vacation time that allows you to have a total vacation leave balance under the maximum limit. Should the stay-at-home order be extended further, this deadline may be extended.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Ralph at