Fall 2017 bird banding results

In cooperation with the Lincoln Land Association of Bird Banders, LLCC biology students participate in the capture, banding and release of birds, recording information which is added to a massive data pool on bird migration patterns. Highlights from the fall 2017 bird banding season include:

  • From Aug. 21 to Nov. 10, 2236 birds of 79 species were banded.
  • We also captured 66 “returns” (birds banded in a previous season) including seven birds originally banded during the spring 2013 season.
  • Twenty-three hummingbirds were captured, banded and released using a hummingbird trap.
  • The average capture rate was 34.4 birds per day.
  • There were four days during which we banded over 100 birds, with our highest one-day total being 147 birds banded (Nov. 6).
  • We added one new species, Broad-winged Hawk, for the station (all seasons combined).
  • The cumulative total for all 11 seasons stands at 18,402 birds banded of 119 species.
  • More than 300 LLCC students visited the banding station.

View the final report on the fall 2017 bird banding season for more details: Final Report — LLCC BBS (Fall 2017).

Thanks to all who have supported the banding station over the years! Stop by and visit as time allows. Spring bird banding season is scheduled to start March 19 and will be in operation Monday-Saturday from sunrise to approximately 11 a.m. The station is located north of the LLCC softball and baseball fields.