Update from the Office of Academic Effectiveness

Fall 2016 Happenings

  • The pilot program of the new assessment process is underway and progressing nicely. Six programs are participating: biology, computer science, English, radiography, sociology and surgical technology. Much has been learned about the process (and the rollout) that will allow us to make needed modifications.
  • The Assessment Proficiency Program participants are also progressing and have so far completed many assessment related activities including curriculum mapping and beginning the course assessment process.
  • The new assessment process includes a feedback process that is also being piloted. Deans and department assessment coordinators (DACs) will be providing programs with feedback on their mission statement, assessment plan, curriculum map and/or PASRs. A peer review team will provide feedback on CASRs.  Any faculty who completed and submitted assessment items to the LLCC Office of Academic Effectiveness will receive feedback so stay tuned! We appreciate your patience as we implement our new processes.
  • An assessment training site has been created in Blackboard and is being utilized alongside the pilot program. Once fully developed, this site will house training materials and resources that can be accessed by all individuals engaged in assessment activities.
  • The Office of Academic Effectiveness has developed a mission statement: The mission of the Office of Academic Effectiveness is to lead, support and communicate sustainable processes integral to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning by being the resource for faculty and staff to investigate and complete curriculum development, assessment and program review processes.

Spring 2017 Happenings

  • A rollout schedule will be developed to determine how the new processes can be implemented in a sustainable way. This rollout will also allow faculty to easily see when their program will enter the new assessment process.
  • Course and program outcomes will be transferred from CurricUNET to Blackboard to allow for faculty to utilize Blackboard as an assessment tool. To ensure outcomes are correct in CurricUNET, an audit of the program and course outcomes will be conducted during the spring 2017 semester. Programs will receive an email during the month of January that will contain a spreadsheet with the currently-approved outcomes. Faculty will be asked to verify if the outcomes listed are correct. If changes need to be made, a contact person should be identified so the changes can be made and approved through CurricUNET. Open labs will be scheduled to help program department review teams accomplish this.
  • The Office of Academic Effectiveness will be working through an operational plan during the spring semester and summer session. Strategies have been identified to build a strong foundation for the office so it can accomplish its goal to support faculty.