A note from Facilities Services

In an effort to avoid unnecessary inconveniences, Facilities Services would like to remind all faculty and staff that the College is officially closed, as posted on the academic calendar, from Saturday, March 5, through Sunday, March 13, for mid-semester break. To conserve resources when the college is closed, normal building temperatures are not maintained, lighting levels are at a minimum and access to buildings may be restricted. Snow and ice removal is also limited to priority routes.

One of several maintenance projects planned for this time is the re-finishing of most of the first floor hallway tile in Menard Hall. Access to this area will be limited for the duration of the break.

We encourage anyone needing to visit the college over mid-semester break to contact the LLCC Police Department at 622-3853. As always, your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated and we hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break.