Thank you!

League 1The LLCC Foundation hopes everyone had a great time at Tuesday’s kickoff.  As the Beatles said in one of their songs, “Beep, beep, beep, beep…yeah!”

The fun isn’t over!  Stop by the LLCC Foundation through Monday, April 1 and buy a raffle ticket for the Kindle Fire HD or 50/50.  Don’t forget to cast your votes in the Penny Wars!  All 13 of the decorated containers are there for you to support or sabotage, with the proceeds supporting the Pay It Forward Fund for emergency student needs.  Congratulations to PRM for winning the best decorated Penny Wars container!

While you’re there, sign up for the campaign!  Gifts of any size, from $5…to $5 a paycheck or more are appreciated and important in helping all of us meet our students’ educational goals.  Those that enroll by the end of day Friday are eligible for a $150 cash prize.  And, if you choose payroll deduction, you’re eligible for another $150 in cold hard cash at the end of the campaign!  Our thanks to Dr. Warren and members of the Cabinet for making these two cash prizes possible.

LLCC faculty and staff are awesome “Eight Days a Week!”  On our students behalf…thank you for your support!